Passive Voice

Nama : Mohammad Huseini
Npm : 14210498
Kelas : 4EA15
Tugas : Softskill Bahasa inggris ( Passive Voice )

Pembentukan kalimat aktif dan pasif selalu dipengaruhi oleh penggunaan tenses, karena itu dini akan dikelompokkan menurut tenses-nya.
A. Dalam Present Tense
( Kalimat Positif )
Aktif : He washes the car once a week
Pasif : The car is washed by him once a week
Aktif : The gardener waters the flowers every day
Pasif : The flowers are watered by the gardener every day
Aktif : We mop the floor every day
Pasif : The floor is mopped every day by us
Aktif : The mechanics repair the cars
Pasif : The cars are repaired by the mechanics

( Kalimat Negatif )
Aktif : They do not clean this room every day
Pasif : This room is not cleaned by them every day
Aktif : Rina does not type the reports every day
Pasif : The reports are not typed by rina every day

( Kalimat Tanya )
Aktif : Does he paint the house once a year ?
Pasif : Is the painted by him once a year ?
Aktif : Do they the flowers every morning ?
Pasif : Are the flowers watered by them every morning ?

( Kalimat Tanya Dengan Question Words )
Aktif : Where do they usually sell the cake ?
Pasif : Where is the cake usually sold by them ?
Akrif : What time does he usually clean the yard ?
Pasif : What time is the yard usually cleaned by him ?
Aktif : Who cleans the rooms every day ?
Pasif : By whom is the room cleaned every day ?

B. Dalam Simple Past Tense
( Kalimat Positif )
Aktif : The gardener cut the big tree yesterday
Pasif : The big tree was cut by the gardener yesterday
Aktif : She sent the letters two weeks ago
Pasif : The letters were sent by her two weeks ago
Aktif : They built the house in 1950
Pasif : The house was built in 1950
Aktif : we bought some books yesterday
Pasif : Some books were bought by us yesterday

( Kalimat Negatif )
Aktif : He did not clean the room this morning
Pasif : This room was not cleaned by him this morning
Aktif : My uncle did not visit us last year
Pasif : We were not visites by my uncle last year

( Kalimat Tanya )
Aktif : Did he bring the dictionary last Monday ?
Pasif : Was the dictionary brought by him last Monday ?
Aktif : Did she tell you about it last night ?
Pasif : Were you told by her about it last night ?

( Kalimat Tanya Dengan Question Words )
Aktif : Where did she put the keys last night ?
Pasif : Where were the keys put by her last night ?
Aktif : What time did he return this novel this morning ?
Pasif : What time was this novel returned by him this morning ?
Aktif : Who made these kites last Sunday ?
Pasif : By whom were these kites made last Sunday ?

C. Dalam Perfect Tense
( Kalimat Positif )
Aktif : Mira has written the letter
Pasif : The letters has been written by mira
Aktif : The students have given the report
Pasif : The report has been given by the students

( Kalimat Negatif )
Aktif : He has not cleaned the room
Pasif : The room has not been cleaned by him
Aktif : The cats have not eaten the meat
Pasif : The meat has not been eaten by the cats

( Kalimat Tanya )
Aktif : Has he returned the dictionary ?
Pasif : Has the dictionary been returned by him ?
Aktif : Has she told you the news ?
Pasif : have you been told the news by her ?

( Kalimat Tanya Dengan Question Words )
Aktif : With whom has she visited him ?
Pasif : With whom has he been visited
Aktif : How many times have they painted this old bicycle ?
Pasif : How many times has this old bicycle been painted by them ?

D. Dalam Future Tense dan Modal
( Kalimat Psotif )
Aktif : The gardener will cut the big tree tomorrow
Pasif : The big tree will be cut by the gardener tomorrow
Aktif : She can do the test in a hour
Pasif : The test can be done by her in a hour

( Kalimat Negatif )
Aktif : He will not buy the hat
Pasif : The hat will not be bought by him
Aktif : They cannot finish the work in a week
Pasif : The work cannot be finished by them in a week

( Kalimat Tanya )
Aktif : will bring the dictionary next Monday ?
Pasif : Will the dictionary be brought by him next Monday ?
Aktif : Can she do the work alone ?
Pasif : Can the work be done by her alone ?

( Kalimat Tanya Dengna Question Words )
Aktif : When will she give the notebokk to you ?
Pasif : When will the norebook be given to you by her ?
Aktif : Where will he plant these flowers ?
Pasif : where will these flowers be planted by him ?
# From Another Books
Aktif : She cleans the room
Pasif : The room is cleaned by her
Aktif : The students are discussing the current issues
Pasif : The currnet issues are being discussed
Aktif : Minister of finance will open the seminar
Pasif : The seminar will be opened on time by minister of finance
Aktif : Mr. President opened the International Conference on Climate Change last night
Pasif : The International Conference on Climate was opened by Mr. President last night
Aktif : Mr. Simon invites me to the party
Pasif : I am invited by Mr. Simon to the party
Aktif : Iwan Fals sings a song
Pasif : A song is sung by Iwan Fals

Referensi Sumber :
- English Grammar And Everyday Coversation, oleh Wahyu Punomo
Penerbit, Amelia 2005
- Easy Grammar " Cara mudah dan syik menguasai english grammar, oleh De Cherlents
Penerbit, Ruang kata Imprint Kawan Pustaka 2011
- The Next Book Of english Grammar, oleh Drs. Slamet Riyanto
Penerbit, Pustaka Widyatama 2011